Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth (RAV)
Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth located at New Delhi is an autonomous organization under Ministry of Ayush, Govt of India. This is one among many other premier National Institutes of Ayush working under the supervision of Ministry of Ayush.
Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth was established on 11th Feb., 1988 with the objective of promoting knowledge and practice of Ayurveda. It started its functioning in 1991.
In order to preserve and to arrange the transfer of the knowledge of ayurveda from eminent scholars to young aspirants, Vidyapeeth initiated the Member of RAV ( MRAV) course. This course is an exemplification of Guru Shishya ( Gurukula ) model of learning which prevailed in ancient India. As we are aware, most of the Ayurveda heritage available to us today (Available classical texts of Ayurveda viz. Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hridaya etc.) is believed to be the outcome of such Gurukula education. This kind of focused and individualized education is found lacking in the modern Ayurveda institutions where focus is on generic training and not on individualized training.
In order to preserve and propagate the special clinical skills (diagnosis, management and formulations) possessed by practicing Vaidyas, Vidyapeeth started a one-year course ‘Certificate of RAV’ in 1999. The practicing Vaidyas are persuaded to teach their specialized methods/skills of treatment to young aspirants of Ayurveda so that the diligently developed skills and techniques of Ayurveda may be transferred to the younger generation.