Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS)
"To develop scientific evidence in Ayurvedic Principles, drug therapies by way of integrating ancient wisdom with modern technology and to bring Ayurveda to the people through scientific innovations related to diagnostics, preventive, promotive as well as treatment methods and also introduce scientific research for sustained availability of quality natural resources, to translate them into products and processes and in synergy with concerned organizations to introduce these innovations into public health systems."
To aim for AYUSHMAN Bharat by way of promoting better health through evidence based Ayurvedic principles and practices.
To develop CCRAS into a dynamic, vibrant and model research organization for undertaking, coordinating, aiding and promoting research in Ayurveda.
To bring-up modern scientific knowledge, technology to explore Ayurveda scientific treasure following prevalent scientific methods.
To attain global leadership in research for treatment and prevention of emerging important lifestyle related disease and health requirement.